UX and Design of Websites and Applications​

UX Designer

UX, UI and Design of Websites and Applications​

Creating WordPress Sites

WooCommerce sites, image sites, content sites, portals, catalogs and more.

Creating Wix Sites

Build small websites and brand sites in Wix

Selected websites and applications

*Most of the projects presented in the profolio included these steps and some only UX or design. Each project according to the budget, time, needs and requirements.

**Most of the projects I did as part of my work at Winsite and Fatfish.


The work process

Accompanying the customers from start to finish: Meeting 🡢 Research 🡢 Creating a concept 🡢 Flowchart 🡢 Wireframes 🡢 Design of screens 🡢 Supply style guide and graphics for development 🡢 Navigating the developers 🡢 Q&A 🡢 Continue with improvements after publication.


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