UX and design applications for ‘Yalla Basta’

UX and design two applications and management system based CRM for the tourism company ‘Yalla Basta’
The apps are designed to improve the method of operating guided tours in the markets in Israel and improve the user experience.
The project included a management system for managing hundreds of tours a week, an app for tour guides and an app for business owners who work with the company.
The projects included UX and designing dozens of screens for each app.
UX and design of a trivia game app

UX and design of a trivia game app
UX&design lottery game combines blockchain technology

Design UX Design Homepage Homepage for loged in user UX Homepage
UX&Design of ‘Go Israel’ app

UX and Design an applications
UX and Design an application for the Ministry of Tourism, which contains information for tourists in Israel: hotels, tour routes, attractions, videos and more.
UX&Design a news app for GPO

UX and Design an application
UX and design the news app of the Government Press Office.
The information is drawn from GPO website.
Download the app
UX&Design of an app MATAN

UX and design of application
UX and design of an application for the Council of Youth Movements in Israel, that provides information and tools for integrating people with disabilities into youth movements – a database of activities, a forum and more
Youth Movements app
UX&Design of the app WHOOK

UX and Design an application
UX and Design app for the Ministry of Tourism that connects tourists and locals.
The app was UX and designed friendly, simple and fun to use.
It has a messenger (similar to Whatsapp) and features for locating and connecting between locals to tourists and tourists to locals.
App UX&Design for the Hebrew university

UX and Design application
An app of the Open University that created for students of the Hebrew University and provides tools for teaching English.
The content of the app is drawn from the website Roads to Academic Reading.